Cherry Topping: 4 cups cherries1/2 cup sugar1/2 cup water1 tbsp lemon juice2 tbsp cornstarchGraham Cracker Crust: 24 graham crackers3/4 cup melted salted butter2 tbsp sugarCream Layer: 1 cup heavy whipping cream1/2 cup sugar1 tsp vanilla extract1 package cream cheese1/2 cup sugarDirections: Cherry Topping: Mix cherries, sugar, water, lemon juice, and […]

A collection of pictures showing another world of stupidity“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.Viral Strange has collected 25 pictures that show another world of stupidity. 1. Oh, gosh… 2. It’s candy, ma’am! 3. Are you for real? 4. […]

Back in middle school, most of us used to absolutely dread a sudden math quiz. Not only were they confusing, but they would also fill us with a sense of dread if we knew we did poorly on them. But, believe it or not, as an adult, solving a middle […]

Today presents another excellent opportunity to test your powers of observation and logical thinking with an entertaining visual puzzle that you can share with your friends and family. Are you prepared for this fresh challenge that has left many individuals perplexed? Locating the mistake in this cunning brain teaser eludes […]

Imagine yourself in the cozy embrace of a 1970s living room, where the walls are painted in earthy hues and the shag carpet sprawls out in bold, funky patterns. Amidst this retro-chic setting, a slender, unassuming object rests in the groove of a vinyl record sleeve. What is it, you […]