Elliot Costello’s encounter with a young girl named Thea in Cambodia sparked a movement to combat child sexual abuse. Thea, a survivor of abuse, painted one of Elliot’s fingernails during their conversation. He pledged to keep it painted to remember her suffering, inspiring the #PolishedMan movement. #PolishedMan encourages men to […]

A newlywed couple were in a bed when the husband raised the questions about the number of previous partners. He gathered the courage to ask his wife if she was willing to share such information with him, but she didn’t say anything back, she just started gazing at the ceiling. […]

A woman courageously thwarted a thief’s attempt to steal her car’s catalytic converter, shedding light on the growing concern surrounding such thefts due to the valuable metals they contain. Catalytic converter theft is on the rise as thieves target vehicles for precious metals like platinum, palladium, and rhodium. With prices […]

“Nadya Suleman, famously known as ‘Octomom,’ recently marked a milestone as her octuplets turned 15. Celebrating their birthday, she shared heartwarming moments with her children. In a family outing, they enjoyed go-karting, capturing the joy of the occasion. The teenagers, named Noah, Josiah, Nariyah, Maliyah, Jonah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Makai, […]