Taylor Swift donated more than 700 million VND to help poor girls go to college

According to the Daily Mail on August 21, a black female student made a plea for college funding on the GoFundMe platform. Vitoria Mario, 18, dreams of becoming a mathematician but faces financial barriers. Living with relatives in Tottenham, UK, after her father’s passing, and with her mother in Portugal, she sought help to raise 40,000 pounds for tuition and expenses. Responding to her appeal, Taylor Swift swiftly donated 23,000 pounds, expressing admiration for Vitoria’s determination and wishing her success. Vitoria, overwhelmed by the gesture, expressed gratitude for the support received.

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Riley Gaines Rejects Whoopi Goldberg's Offer to Join 'The View', Citing "Excessive Wokeness"

Thu Feb 29 , 2024
In a surprising turn of events, actress and activist Riley Gaines made headlines by declining an invitation to join the esteemed panel of ‘The View’. Citing concerns over “excessive wokeness”, Gaines expressed reservations about contributing to what she perceived as an environment saturated with political correctness. The move left both […]

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