Doctors perform an emergency C-section and give birth to a baby with a rare skin disease.

A mother’s heart is filled with excitement, anticipation, and a tinge of uncertainty during the nine months of pregnancy. Expectant parents always hope for a healthy and happy baby to arrive. Life, unfortunately, does not always go as planned.

Jennie Wilklow, of Highland, New York, looked forward to meeting her daughter. Jennie and her husband were overcome with delight as they embraced their new baby.

They had had multiple ultrasounds and doctor’s checkups, all suggesting a healthy baby.

This reassurance put their minds at ease, and they had no idea that their darling Anna would be born with a disability that would affect their lives forever.

Jennie had a C-section at 34 weeks to deliver Anna. She looked into Anna’s eyes when the medics placed the baby in her arms and felt a fantastic sensation of love.

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