When they discovered this poor creature on the street, they knew it was in serious trouble.

When they found Hidey on the streets, they knew it was in dire straits. Cats are seen as independent, but some breeds need regular grooming. Hidey suffered neglect for years because her owner couldn’t groom her. Rescuers initially mistook her for an alien-like creature due to her matted fur.

Paul Russell, who stumbled upon her, said, “My god, this is a cat!”Hidey, a 14-year-old cat, was saved by an animal-loving couple and taken to the Animal Rescue League Shelter & Wildlife Center.

Neglect resulted from her owner’s Alzheimer’s, leaving Hidey unable to groom herself. She became a symbol of caring for elderly people and their pets.

CEO Dan Rossi emphasized the responsibility of owning a pet for the elderly. Hidey’s condition was so severe that her fur resembled dreadlocks.

After a medical team shaved her tangled fur, Hidey found a new home with a family member. The ordeal highlights the importance of supporting elderly pet owners.

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Thu Jun 27 , 2024
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