I decided to surprise my husband at work only to discover he was on vacation

I DECIDED TO SURPRISE MY HUSBAND AT WORK, ONLY TO DISCOVER HE WAS ON VACATION — THE TRUTH HE KEPT HIDDEN FROM ME CHANGED OUR LIVES FOREVER I work from home, which allows me to be a stay-at-home mother to our four children. My husband works in IT, leaving for the office every day from 9 am to 6 pm. With the kids at school, I thought it would be a lovely gesture to prepare a homemade dinner and surprise him at his office, something I had done a few times before. However, when I arrived at his office and asked for him, I was shocked to be told he had been on a two-week vacation. This was baffling, as he left for work every morning as usual. Determined to uncover the truth, I decided to follow my husband the next day. Leaving the kids with my mother, I took a taxi and trailed him. My heart sank and I couldn’t believe my eyes when he stopped at the house of my…

Having not much to do on a particular day, Julia decided to visit her husband at work and bring him his favorite dish, lasagna. Happy to prepare a surprise for him, she rushed to his office, but there, she was met by a co-worker who told her that Ban took two weeks off of work.

Julia was confused. How could he be on vacation when he was leaving the home in the morning and was getting back late with the excuse of having a lot on his plate regarding his job.


She asked yet again if they were certain her husband wasn’t there, and the answer was the same.

She returned home, wondering what could her husband be doing when he claimed he was at work.

When he got home that evening, she decided not to confront him but to follow him the following morning.

After she arranged with her mother to take the kids to school, Julia entered her car and drove after Ben. As he drove across town, he finally made a stop, and Julia’s heart sank when she saw he parked in front of her sister’s house. Could Ben be having an affair with her own sister?


Julia couldn’t believe her eyes. She knew Ben and her sister Kate were close, but she couldn’t understand why he would go to her place instead of work.

Before making any conclusions, she lurked around and saw Ben and Kate sitting at the table, with a bunch of papers right in front of them.

Not knowing what to do, she called the family lawyer, Carla, who had handled a few legal matters for them before because she trusted her judgement. After she explained everything to her, Carla said, “Julia, before you jump to conclusions, gather some concrete evidence. It’s important to be sure before taking any legal steps.”

Julia knew Carla was right so she returned to Kate’s home and took some photos of her and Ben. Judging from their faces, it was obvious the two were planning something. But were they up to?

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A Waiter Accidentally Served Champagne With a Ring to My Girlfriend, and Her Reaction Changed Everything

Mon Jul 1 , 2024
My girlfriend Nora and I went to our favorite restaurant one day. Nothing foreshadowed any trouble. A new waiter brought us champagne. Suddenly, Nora’s face turned crimson with anger! I looked closer and saw a ring in Nora’s glass. But this was some mistake—I wasn’t planning to propose, at least […]

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