This single guy raised 30 children and adopted five more; here’s how they all live now

Being a foster parent means making a change in a child’s life. These people are compassionate and caring and always ready to open their hearts and homes to minors in need of love and kindness.

Lamont Thomas from Buffalo, New York, has devoted the last 20 years of his life fostering children. Speaking to Good Morning America of the time he welcomed the first child, this amazing man says, “In the beginning, I was helping out some friends. They had lost their child to the system. I went on and got certified and became a foster parent. I haven’t stopped since.”

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Bright Smiles And Utter Joy Captured In 30 Pictures On The Day Of Adoption, Shared By This Non-Profit Helping Youth In Foster Care

Sun Apr 21 , 2024
Let’s remember our childhoods for a second. Happy-go-lucky times of joy and, sometimes, annoyance: our parents asking us to wash the dishes, to move away from the TV screen to not ruin our eyes, dressing up in 50 layers to not freeze in autumnal weather. The common denominator, though: the […]

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