Angelina Jolie Refuses to Attend ‘Woke’ Hollywood Event, Calls It a ‘Virtue-Signaling Spectacle’

Angelina Jolie shakes up Tinseltown by refusing to grace a “woke” Hollywood event with her presence, branding it a mere spectacle of virtue signaling. Jolie’s bold declaration sparks debate within the industry, with some applauding her integrity while others accuse her of shunning progressive values. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the ever-present tension between genuine activism and hollow displays of solidarity in the entertainment world.

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Gary Sinise Snubs Keanu Reeves' Environmental Fundraiser, Denouncing 'Woke Celebrity Causes'

Mon Mar 4 , 2024
Gary Sinise sends shockwaves through Hollywood as he snubs Keanu Reeves’s environmental fundraiser, denouncing it as yet another example of “woke celebrity causes” gone awry. Sinise’s refusal to participate in what he perceives as performative activism earns both praise and criticism, with many applauding his dedication to substantive change over […]

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