George Clooney and Angelina Jolie Clash Over Oscars’ Woke Policies: ‘Enough Is Enough’

In a rare public disagreement, Hollywood A-listers George Clooney and Angelina Jolie have found themselves on opposing sides of a heated debate surrounding the Oscars’ perceived woke policies. The clash began when Clooney, known for his activism and humanitarian work, criticized the Oscars for what he described as excessive political correctness and virtue signaling.

“We’ve reached a point where the Oscars are more about checking boxes and pandering to agendas than celebrating genuine talent and creativity,” Clooney remarked during an interview on a late-night talk show. His comments drew swift reactions from industry insiders and social commentators, with some applauding his candor and others accusing him of downplaying important social issues.

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Bud Light's 'Woke' Ad Campaign Backfires, Spurs Boycotts from Vanilla Ice and Kid Rock

Fri Mar 22 , 2024
Beer giant Bud Light found itself in hot water after launching a new ad campaign touted as “woke” and socially conscious. The campaign, which featured themes of diversity and inclusion, was intended to resonate with a younger and more socially aware audience. However, the campaign’s messaging backfired spectacularly, leading to […]

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